SCHEDULE NOW! - Get a FREE Buck Knife 707-845-8878
We Help YOU Make YOUR Event AWESOME!
Don't bore your guests and turn them off to Christ and your church.
SCHEDULE NOW! - Get a FREE Buck Knife 707-845-8878
Don't bore your guests and turn them off to Christ and your church.
Entertaining and engaging your guests is the big win.
Better yet, is when their interest and desire for Christ
and your church is created.
Best is when you also give them a great event/experience!
CO has done this for 15 years and Pastor Jeff is a very competent evangelistic outdoorsmen speaker.
When events rock, everyone wins. Schedule CO's Pastor Jeff and relax. He loves souls, is an outdoorsman and has done this many times.
He will pray and bring the prayers of many with him.
Schedule him and this will rock!
You handle all the details and create a great event.
Hit the target, be the hero.
But more, people will be open to Christ and the Church...
the Great Commission has started.
There is more riding on this event than just a good event.
You want a great experience for your guests, often the non-churched. Your plan for them is to be open to Christ and your church.
You hope that guests talk about the event with enthusiasm for weeks to come. But to really win, you need the right speaker.
Scheduling a great speaker; one that is engaging, evangelistic and well-received - even an awesome guy, is paramount. ChristianOutdoorsmen has been reaching men and their families with the Gospel, since 2004 and literally thousands have come to Christ and churches have grown...significantly!
They got this, schedule them and relax, you have a lot of other details to get to, like 'where do I get rattlesnake meat?'
Nothing Like a 1-2 PUNCH!
After the OUTREACH, bring new folks from your church, guys with their kids, to a RETREAT. Most pastors know that a retreat is worth a month of Sundays in terms of relationships and life-change.
Pastor Jeff is not only a hunter and fisherman, he is a seminary trained pastor and speaker. Don't sweat the teaching part,
You just focus on the food and fun, these are mostly men, after all.
Men are an easy crowd, right? Except that if you get this wrong or miss just a few key points, they never come back.
CO supplies a great speaker for your event, but we also can help YOU HAVE A MAJOR SUCCESSFUL EVENT!
We have been doing this for 15+ years and we wrote the book on it, literally, (We have a huge manual and have helped over 30 groups have a great outreach event year after year), and we can help you, too.
We are your friend, (seriously, we are in the Great Commission together), and give you tools, training, contacts and a working plan, so you win at everything. (We won big too: many of our events sold out in less than a week and we charged a lot to get in!)